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Compañia Española de Algas Marinas (CEAMSA) was established in 1966 in O Porriño, Spain. Since the beginning, this innovative and specialized company has dedicated its activities to production, development and worldwide distribution of natural hydrocolloids in the five continents. Nowadays, CEAMSA products (carrageenan, pectin, fibre, alginate and refined locust bean gum), are demanded in the different markets due to their stabilizing, gel forming, thickening and texturizing properties.

Ceamsa commitment to continuous innovation in Products, Processes and Solutions has made the company a market reference in R & D + i. Its five decades of experience have driven the Company to become the world leader in the production of carrageenan, a natural jellifying agent extracted from red seaweed; the use of which, among others, is extensively applied in the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and in cosmetics.
Its production plants, located in Spain and in the Philippines, are based on self-developed technology, to meet the worldwide market needs.

From its Headquarters in Porriño, the Company distributes its products all around the world with an exclusive customer service that offers tailor made solutions developed in the CEAMSA Innovation Center.

Thanks to its daily effort, dedication and commitment, CEAMSA has become a key player in the hydrocolloids market and it is the perfect partner for your industry.



global presence

From our Headquarters in Spain, we deliver our products to the 5 continents.

corporate culture

Within this Corporate Policy, CEAMSA integrates and communicates the general principles that rule its activity to the different groups of interest. The people who belong to this organization develop these principles through consensus and we express them by means of our mission, our view and our values, which are embraced by all the people who take part in it.

We produce, develop and worldwide distribute a wide range of natural hydrocolloids (carrageenan, pectin, fibre, alginate and refined locust bean gum), which can be used in the food and non-food industry (pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic…). Our products and services meet the highest principles related to quality and safety, and they are under a process of continuous improvement so that we can keep our leading position.


We want to be recognized as a benchmark business group. An appealing group for the customers because of our innovative approach, a strong spirit for service and quality of our products and an attractive group for the people, who will be able to find a place to work and develop their career opportunities. In conclusion, a strong and profitable business group present in the global market which shows a respectful attitude towards the employees and society in general.


The corporate culture of Ceamsa reflects our values centers, defining company lifestyle and way of doing things. Furthermore, it reinforces our behavior as a company and our corporate identity.
Commitment to safety

The main priority of CEAMSA is the highest safety level of our staff, team members and any agent who visits us. We are always trying to improve our facilities, equipment, processes and working systems.

Innovation and flexibility

Take on and promote as a key and strategic weapon in CEAMSA the continuous change of products and processes to be flexible, reacting and even foreseeing the market needs, adapting and improving our products and processes.

Commitment to people

In CEAMSA we believe in dignified treatment, keeping our word and respect for commitments. Particularly and regarding our workers, we aim to achieve and keep an excellent working environment encouraging the involvement and commitment of all the workers in the business project by means of fair treatment, participation, work stability, equal opportunities, right working conditions and the development of the necessary competences to improve their autonomy. Faithful and satisfied customers: In CEAMSA we are confident that being close to the customers and the flexibility to meet all their needs and expectations, from their contribution to the design of the product to customization and development, are key issues.

Commitment to Quality

Manage and improve the quality of CEAMSA products and processes as a way to guarantee the satisfaction of the customer.

Commitment to environment

Ceamsa respects and protects the natural environment. The company promotes sustainable development through energy efficiency, minimizing the environmental impact and consumption, preventing pollution and raising awareness throughout our groups of interests.

Find out Ceamsa model and business strategy to meet market needs

co-financed projects

Project name: FABRINTYSO
Description of the action: Creation of a flexible, intelligent and sustainable pilot line for the experimental development of new natural origin hydrocolloids.
Call for proposals: IN854A – Smart and sustainable factory programme
Execution period: From 3/10/2023 to 31/12/2026.
This project receives funding from the Galician Innovation Agency and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the Galicia ERDF Programme 2021-2027.

Main project title: Investment and implementation of new innovative equipment aimed at reducing the consumption of resources in the production of natural hydrocolloids.
Financiable budget of the project: 417.952,00 €
Primary project file no.: PAG-020200-2023-73
Project under the line of aid for integrated actions in the agri-food industry chain within the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of the Agri-food Industry (PERTE AGRO), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Tractor project file number: PAG-010000-2023-12
Tractor project title: From Green to Healthy towards a strengthening of the agri-food value chain through innovation, digitalisation and improved sustainability (FG2H).

Title of primary project: Development of new technologies for the agri-food sector aimed at products based on natural hydrocolloids.
Financiable budget of the project: 1.695.839,00 €
Primary project file number: PAG-020100-2023-162
Project under the line of aid for integrated actions in the agri-food industry chain within the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation in the Agri-food Industry (PERTE AGRO), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Tractor project file number: PAG-010000-2023-12
Tractor project title: From Green to Healthy towards a strengthening of the agri-food value chain through innovation, digitalisation and improvement of its sustainability (FG2H).

Description of the action: Acquisition and implementation of equipment and technologies for the optimization of the energy efficiency of the industrial processes of cold-heat in the manufacture of hydrocolloids.
Call for proposals: Funding for industrial research, development and innovation projects in the manufacturing industry. Call for proposals 2023. Line of innovation in sustainability and energy efficiency.
Execution period: From 28/06/2023 to 18/12/2025.

Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA) has received funding to finance the project “Research and technological development for the improvement of the properties and flavor of citrus fiber (FIBRACITRI)”, within the financing plan for Individual R&D Projects granted by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) belonging to the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This funding are co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2021-2027) with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. A way of making Europe.

Place of execution: Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. Polígono Industrial As Gándaras, 36400. O Porriño. Pontevedra. Execution period: 02/21/2022 – 02/21/24. Budget: 761,281.10 €.

COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE ALGAS MARINAS, S.A. has installed two heat exchangers in the premises located in Porriño (Pontevedra) in order to reduce fuel consumption when heating process water. This action has been implemented with the support of the Energy Institute of Galicia (INEGA) and it is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the Operational Programme ERDF Galicia 2014-2020, which is addressed under axis 4, investment priority 4b, specific objective 4.2.1 to move forward with the assessment and improvement of energy efficiency in companies, especially of SMEs, CPSO goal development of energy audits, implementation of management systems and energy efficiency and saving projects in the industrial and service sectors.

With the support of the National Energy Efficiency Fund through IDAE and co-financed with European Union ERDF funds, COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE ALGAS MARINAS, S.A. has implemented the project “Improving energy efficiency in the manufacturing process of line 3 of COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE ALGAS MARINAS, S.A. (CEAMSA)” in the premises located in O Porriño (Pontevedra). This project aims to optimize the operation process of the production line of pectin (L3) through the implementation of a joint monitoring and control system of processes based on a MOM platform (Manufacturing Operation Management), which allows us to control and record the performance so that the consumption of thermal energy can be reduced and the productivity of the production line can be improved.

With the support of the Energy Efficiency National Fund through IDEA and co-financed by the European Union ERDF funds, COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE ALGAS MARINAS, S.A. has carried out the project “ Improving energy efficiency in the production process” on the company premises located in O Porriño (Pontevedra). This project aims to replace a cooling system and a natural gas boiler by greater energy-efficient equipment, which helps to reduce the consumption of thermal and electrical energy of the plant and improve the overall performance of the company.
Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA) has been granted with a financial aid for its Research and Development Project named “Development of new Processed and Enriched Meat with Bioactive Extracts of ALGAE (ALGAE)”. The Spanish ECONOMY, INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVENESS MINISTRY (MINECO) manages this financial aid that is co-funded by the European Regional Development Funds 2014 – 2020. The main objective of the project is to develop the first processed meat product with algae by wet extrusion procedures achieving nutritional improvements such as increased protein and fiber content, improved lipid profile and vitamin C and E content, presence of bioactive ingredients with antioxidant and antihypertensive capacity, and Low glycemic index.
CEAMSA levou ó cabo con éxito o proxecto denominado “Deseño e desenvolvemento dun Centro de Excelencia de I+D+i en Hidrocoloides” entre os meses de xullo de 2013 e setembro de 2014, dentro da convocatoria 2013 do Programa INNOEMPRESA do Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica – IGAPE (http://www.igape.es/es/), e cofinanciado polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional – FEDER (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/thefunds/regional/index_es.cfm)

Research and Development project “Hydrocolloid Technical Development for obtaining new products and process developed for food applications with better properties and functionality (HIDROCONEW)”. The objective of the project is the development of new hydrocolloids and dietary fibers and its manufacturing process in order to anticipate future demands of the food market. Place of execution: POLÍGONO INDUSTRIAL AS GÁNDARAS, 36400. O PORRIÑO, PONTEVEDRA. Execution period: 07/01/2017 – 06/30/2022. Budget: €6,485,846.00. Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA) has received the support for the project (HIDROCONEW)”, inside the financing plan of strategic R&D projects implemented by the Technological Industrial Development Center (CDTI), belonging to the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry. This support is co-financed by the European Union inside the Operative R&D Program FEDER 2014-2020 with the objective of promoting high quality technological development, research and innovation. A way to make Europe.
Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA) has been developing its investment project called “Industrial Plan 2015-2017” between the months of July 2015 and June 2018, under the Regional Incentives program of the Ministry of Finance, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and managed by the Galician Institute of Economic Promotion (IGAPE).

CEAMSA is implementing the Project “Digitization and Optimization of CEAMSA’s International management”, with the aim of reinforcing its international position by investing in digitizing the company. This project is being carried out under the 2020 call of the Program “Galicia Exporta Dixital” from the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion (IGAPE), and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

Compañía Española de Algas Marinas, S.A. biomass boiler project, which consists of installing advanced technology for the generation of renewable, sustainable and clean energy through combustion with a steam boiler. Aid for R&D&I industrial projects in the manufacturing industry. 2022 call. Sustainability and energy efficiency innovation line. Implementation period: From 01/09/2022 to 28/02/2024

Contact us

How can we help you? For any inqueries about our products, solutions or business, you can contact our specialist teams. We are here to listen to your needs.