Compañia Española de Algas Marinas (CEAMSA) was established in 1966 in O Porriño, Spain. Since the beginning, this innovative and specialized company has dedicated its activities to production, development and worldwide distribution of natural hydrocolloids in the five continents. Nowadays, CEAMSA products (carrageenan, pectin, fibre, alginate and refined locust bean gum), are demanded in the different markets due to their stabilizing, gel forming, thickening and texturizing properties.
Ceamsa commitment to continuous innovation in Products, Processes and Solutions has made the company a market reference in R & D + i. Its five decades of experience have driven the Company to become the world leader in the production of carrageenan, a natural jellifying agent extracted from red seaweed; the use of which, among others, is extensively applied in the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and in cosmetics.
Its production plants, located in Spain and in the Philippines, are based on self-developed technology, to meet the worldwide market needs.
From its Headquarters in Porriño, the Company distributes its products all around the world with an exclusive customer service that offers tailor made solutions developed in the CEAMSA Innovation Center.
Thanks to its daily effort, dedication and commitment, CEAMSA has become a key player in the hydrocolloids market and it is the perfect partner for your industry.

global presence
corporate culture

We produce, develop and worldwide distribute a wide range of natural hydrocolloids (carrageenan, pectin, fibre, alginate and refined locust bean gum), which can be used in the food and non-food industry (pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic…). Our products and services meet the highest principles related to quality and safety, and they are under a process of continuous improvement so that we can keep our leading position.
We want to be recognized as a benchmark business group. An appealing group for the customers because of our innovative approach, a strong spirit for service and quality of our products and an attractive group for the people, who will be able to find a place to work and develop their career opportunities. In conclusion, a strong and profitable business group present in the global market which shows a respectful attitude towards the employees and society in general.

Commitment to safety
The main priority of CEAMSA is the highest safety level of our staff, team members and any agent who visits us. We are always trying to improve our facilities, equipment, processes and working systems.

Innovation and flexibility
Take on and promote as a key and strategic weapon in CEAMSA the continuous change of products and processes to be flexible, reacting and even foreseeing the market needs, adapting and improving our products and processes.

Commitment to people
In CEAMSA we believe in dignified treatment, keeping our word and respect for commitments. Particularly and regarding our workers, we aim to achieve and keep an excellent working environment encouraging the involvement and commitment of all the workers in the business project by means of fair treatment, participation, work stability, equal opportunities, right working conditions and the development of the necessary competences to improve their autonomy. Faithful and satisfied customers: In CEAMSA we are confident that being close to the customers and the flexibility to meet all their needs and expectations, from their contribution to the design of the product to customization and development, are key issues.

Commitment to Quality
Manage and improve the quality of CEAMSA products and processes as a way to guarantee the satisfaction of the customer.

Commitment to environment
Ceamsa respects and protects the natural environment. The company promotes sustainable development through energy efficiency, minimizing the environmental impact and consumption, preventing pollution and raising awareness throughout our groups of interests.

Explore our code of ethics.
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co-financed projects
Project name: FABRINTYSO
Description of the action: Creation of a flexible, intelligent and sustainable pilot line for the experimental development of new natural origin hydrocolloids.
Call for proposals: IN854A – Smart and sustainable factory programme
Execution period: From 3/10/2023 to 31/12/2026.
This project receives funding from the Galician Innovation Agency and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the Galicia ERDF Programme 2021-2027.
Main project title: Investment and implementation of new innovative equipment aimed at reducing the consumption of resources in the production of natural hydrocolloids.
Financiable budget of the project: 417.952,00 €
Primary project file no.: PAG-020200-2023-73
Project under the line of aid for integrated actions in the agri-food industry chain within the Strategic
Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of the Agri-food Industry (PERTE AGRO), within
the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Tractor project file number: PAG-010000-2023-12
Tractor project title: From Green to Healthy towards a strengthening of the agri-food value chain through innovation, digitalisation and improved sustainability (FG2H).
Title of primary project: Development of new technologies for the agri-food sector aimed at products based on natural hydrocolloids.
Financiable budget of the project: 1.695.839,00 €
Primary project file number: PAG-020100-2023-162
Project under the line of aid for integrated actions in the agri-food industry chain within the Strategic
Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation in the Agri-food Industry (PERTE AGRO), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Tractor project file number: PAG-010000-2023-12
Tractor project title: From Green to Healthy towards a strengthening of the agri-food value chain through innovation, digitalisation and improvement of its sustainability (FG2H).
Description of the action: Acquisition and implementation of equipment and technologies for the optimization of the energy efficiency of the industrial processes of cold-heat in the manufacture of hydrocolloids.
Call for proposals: Funding for industrial research, development and innovation projects in the manufacturing industry. Call for proposals 2023. Line of innovation in sustainability and energy efficiency.
Execution period: From 28/06/2023 to 18/12/2025.
Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. (CEAMSA) has received funding to finance the project “Research and technological development for the improvement of the properties and flavor of citrus fiber (FIBRACITRI)”, within the financing plan for Individual R&D Projects granted by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) belonging to the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This funding are co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2021-2027) with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. A way of making Europe.
Place of execution: Compañía Española de Algas Marinas S.A. Polígono Industrial As Gándaras, 36400. O Porriño. Pontevedra. Execution period: 02/21/2022 – 02/21/24. Budget: 761,281.10 €.