Our products

FIBRE – Functional ingredient

CEAMSA’s fibre product range are natural ingredients purified from citrus peel and seaweeds. They stand out for their great technological functionality.

CEAMFIBRE is a citrus fiber with great thickening and water retention capacity that remains stable regardless of temperature and pH. Thanks to this capacity, it has demonstrated its benefits in the meat industry, improving cooking yields, controlling drip loss, and improving the cohesiveness and natural texture of the products. In other industries, it is used to reduce the content of some ingredients, such as fat or egg, to maintain the shape of the product during production processes, to keep the stability of emulsified products and to prevent the fat and oil separation. It also improves the texture of the product or replace other additives and ingredients in the final formulation. Industries such as fruit processing, confectionery, bakery and different dairy applications can benefit from the excellent properties of this fiber.

CEAMSEA is a fiber from seaweeds with great gelling capacity. Thanks to this property, it can be used in different meat applications, providing structure and cold gelling, cohesiveness and firmness, as well as achieving a natural meat texture. On the other hand, CEAMSEA makes it possible to improve cooking yields and slicing processes in cooked meat products and the stability of emulsified products. In the dairy industry, CEAMSEA fiber is very advantageous thanks to the synergy it presents with milk protein that allows the creation of products with a natural texture while maintaining the costs of traditional recipes. CEAMSEA is used, for example, to suspend cocoa in shakes, to provide viscosity and stability in creams during product shelf life, and also in dairy desserts to achieve gelled and creamy textures. Fruit processing and confectionery industries can also benefit from CEAMSEA fiber.

PECTIN – Citrus texturizer

Pectin, obtained from citrus peels, is one of the most versatile and valuable hydrocolloids. Because of its excellent gelling and texturizing abilities, it is mainly used in the fruit processing industry and in confectionery products as well as in the dairy industry i.e. in acidified beverages and yoghurt drinks. On the other hand, it is also used as thickener agent in specific pharmaceutical applications.

CEAMPECTIN exclusive line extracted from citrus fruits is your natural choice for ensuring an optimal functionality and process ability in different industries.

CARRAGEENAN – Red seaweed texturizer

Carrageenan is a hydrocolloid with unique functionalities extracted from special species of red seaweed. On the other hand, it plays an essential role in the food industry because of its ability to provide stability in milk products, control the water content in meat products, stabilize ice-cream or give the desired texture to confectionary products, water desserts and fruit preparation. On the other hand, carrageenan is a well-known additive in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and home care industries, where it can be used as thickener or film forming agent.

There are basically three main types of commercial carrageenan that have been identified. These are known as KAPPA, IOTA and LAMBDA, which are idealized molecules. Exploiting these basic types requires detailed technical understanding of the seaweed sources, the process used for extraction and modification, as well as an extensive knowledge of the functional requirements of the various food applications – skills that have been developed by CEAMSA for more than 50 years.

CEAMSA is constantly developing new products of carrageenan and exploring new applications in order to provide its customers with optimum texturizing solutions for their products.

LOCUST BEAN GUM – Carob texturizer

Locust bean gum is a natural hydrocolloid extracted from seeds of the locust tree. It consists of a long chain of galactomannans with a high molecular weight, which provides high viscosity to the food product.

It is used not only as a thickening agent in numerous applications but also providing synergies with other hydrocolloids as it is the case of carrageenan. The combination of these two hydrocolloids increases their gel forming capabilities. CEAMGUM product range provides high viscosity, transparency and brightness, which are the essential qualities for applications such as water desserts.

ALGINATE – Brown seaweed texturizer

Alginate is a natural hydrocolloid obtained from brown seaweed.

It is mainly applied as emulsifier, texturizing and thickener agent, as well as to give thermal and freeze-thaw stability.

In the food industry, it is used for gel and film formation, meat process and instant dairy desserts, among others. Furthermore it is used in cosmetics, medicinal products, printing industry, constructions and pet food.

A detailed technical knowledge of alginate properties is needed as well as understanding the functional requirements for each specific application in order to develop a standardized alginate product range with optimal functionality.

CEAMSA offers a unique alginate product range classified depending on the gelling speed, texture and viscosity.


Gellan gum is a polysaccharide produced by the fermentation of the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. Commonly used as a gelling, stabilizing, and thickening agent in the food and other industries, its resistance to heat and acidic conditions also makes it useful in a variety of formulations.

Gellan gum guarantees suspension and stability in plant-based drinks and juices. In water dessert and plant-based desserts applications, it can modify the texture from soft to brittle.

Gellan gum product range distributed by CEAMSA includes combinations with other hydrocolloids to adapt the gelling properties to the functionality of the final applications.

CITRUS PULP - Feed Raw Material

Product obtained from the extraction of pectin from citrus peel and pulp, intended for animal feed. This product stands out as a concentrated source of energy, representing an excellent alternative or complement to traditional animal feed. Its composition, rich in proteins, fibre, essential oils, vitamins and mineral salts (calcium, magnesium and potassium), makes it a highly digestible feed, which provides nutrients and energy to livestock.


AGROSUSTALG® is an organo-mineral fertiliser with silicon and red algae extracts, designed to revitalise and strengthen plants.

Thanks to its high content of silicon and bioactive substances from red seaweeds, the product stimulates humus production, improves soil life and reduces soil compaction. In addition, it optimises nutrient availability and root growth, activating photosynthesis and increasing plant defences against limiting factors.

This fertiliser is suitable for all types of crops, including cereals, grasses, vegetables, fruit trees, vines, ornamentals, turf and forestry crops. It protects plants from stress caused by adverse climatic, soil or chemical conditions by strengthening their root and immune systems. Benefits of the fertiliser include increasing crop yield and quality, reducing adverse effects on the ecosystem and contributing to green agriculture. Distributed exclusively by Sustratec (Sustratos Técnicos S.L.). Contact email: info@sustratec.com


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